remember so (forgetting seem) 2021. Oil & acrylic on cotton. 31 x 9 x 1cm
One of an ongoing series of works created by a random process and usually unconsciously. This series differs from other works in my practice as, although I often use found objects and materials, (so no long-term planning is involved), my sculptures evolve through consideration and design, composition etc is usually lingered over. 'Paintings', such as this one began as a studio cloth/rag that was used to clean brushes mainly, after adding colours to my sculptures. In that sense they have a direct link with the other works. At a certain point I noticed that these cloths were becoming more complex and attractive. The composition, built up over many months, was not considered or planned in any way. It is curious that when these 'rags' became of less use, (useless), I considered them to be works of art - still useless however.The titles are lines taken from poems by e.e cummings - someone whose approach, styleand unconventional use of language, words and presentation I admire. Many of the lines I have selected are beautiful phrases in their own right, such as 'when faces called flowers float out of the ground'. The work title may or may not relate to the painting depending upon the viewers’ reception. Some have remarked how these works put them in mind of Jackson Pollack's action paintings or abstract expressionism. I can see their point of reference but Pollack's work was pre-planned and executed rapidly, possibly in one session. Conversely, my paintings were made over a relatively long period of time, were completely unplanned and I had no reference point or inspiration for them. In this respect one might consider the works closer to the Readymade. I am attracted by this kind of paradox- on the one hand not ready made as it took time to make the thing - on the other, at one point it was there for me to nominate it as a work of art.
One of an ongoing series of works created by a random process and usually unconsciously. This series differs from other works in my practice as, although I often use found objects and materials, (so no long-term planning is involved), my sculptures evolve through consideration and design, composition etc is usually lingered over. 'Paintings', such as this one began as a studio cloth/rag that was used to clean brushes mainly, after adding colours to my sculptures. In that sense they have a direct link with the other works. At a certain point I noticed that these cloths were becoming more complex and attractive. The composition, built up over many months, was not considered or planned in any way. It is curious that when these 'rags' became of less use, (useless), I considered them to be works of art - still useless however.The titles are lines taken from poems by e.e cummings - someone whose approach, styleand unconventional use of language, words and presentation I admire. Many of the lines I have selected are beautiful phrases in their own right, such as 'when faces called flowers float out of the ground'. The work title may or may not relate to the painting depending upon the viewers’ reception. Some have remarked how these works put them in mind of Jackson Pollack's action paintings or abstract expressionism. I can see their point of reference but Pollack's work was pre-planned and executed rapidly, possibly in one session. Conversely, my paintings were made over a relatively long period of time, were completely unplanned and I had no reference point or inspiration for them. In this respect one might consider the works closer to the Readymade. I am attracted by this kind of paradox- on the one hand not ready made as it took time to make the thing - on the other, at one point it was there for me to nominate it as a work of art.